**Transparent Post:** I often wonder if I delayed myself by being disobedient. I’ve waited so long for a promise to be fulfilled by God that I started to grow weary and deceive myself. I knew He was calling me to start this ministry years ago, but I thought that if I didn’t do it, I would be married sooner. I believed I could somehow manipulate God’s hand because I knew I needed to remain single if I were to start this ministry. I often get asked, “Why are you still single?” I knew there was more God wanted to squeeze out of this single season. I knew there were lessons I needed to share and hope I needed to bring to singles. And while I’m pretty resolved in this truth, it’s still HARD having such a strong desire for marriage—walking on a promise for so long and still having to show up for singles while watching others obtain what I’ve waited and suffered for. Nonetheless, I’m still believing God despite what I see *insert tumbleweeds* and I’m committed to carrying out His plan for me.
#singleministry #thewait #godlydating #abstinence