In theory, it’s highly unlikely for any disease to affect 100% of all humans, including mortality. That is what I’m arguing here. • Statistically speaking, there has to be a very small segment of the 100 billion humans throughout history with a genetic defect where their telomeres did not shorten…thus rendering them “immortal” (at least from aging…accidents could still take them out.) •• Imagine you’re one of them and you’re just chilling with this defect and not even realising it. Then 50 years go by and you still look the same…but then you are like wait I’m supposed to then because you expect to age, you cause a psychosomatic/physiological aging response…using your mind…but in reality, genetically you’re still like 30. Then you just keep living…then one day some guys in dark suits show up at your door and tell you about some
#deathbecomesher type society. You can join but you can’t tell anyone. Then you have to fake your d-th. ••• Now you’ve become a member of the actual .01%. And every once in a while people take pictures of you and it ends up on social media. But you gotta pretend it’s just
#reincarnation….or that you’re your own descendant. … Lol. ••
#theimmortals #immortals #consciousness #timetraveler #philosophy #michiokaku #simulationtheory #thematrixisreal #soyourelivinginasimulation