This past weekend, we hosted our biggest fundraising event of the year at the iconic Bowens Island—and WOW, what a turnout! Because of each person who showed up, the generosity of our incredible vendors, and the hard work of the amazing team at Bowens, we were able to raise over $50,000!! 👏👏 And the best part? Every one of these dollars is going straight back to restoring precious coastal ecosystems and cleaning our waters through the power of oyster habitat restoration. Conservation work is never-ending, and it's what we live for. Let’s keep driving the
#PutEmBackMovement forward as we continue to preserve, restore, and protect our local waterways (and beyond). A huge thank you to all who make our impact possible - yeah, I'm talking to you! 🤝🦪
#Toadfish #Shellabration #PutEmBack #ToadfishConservationCoalition #OysterConservation #CleaningCoastalWaters