Leading up to having this second baby I kept hearing the same warning online: that the hardest part about transitioning from one to two kids is that you and your partner are almost living two separate lives while you “divide and conquer” while one of you caters to the needs of the newborn and the other caters to the toddler. So far we’ve been able to pretty much stay united we stick together, we dance, we cook, we go to library story times and play places. The only difference is now I have this little mini strapped to me through it all. For us it’s been really fun bonding as a full family of four. As far as our relationship goes: This second time around we’re better at communicating, my husband understands the weight of all things motherhood, I understand better the joy of motherhood and that this sleepless season is just a season, and we know what we want our family to look like in years to come. All of this helps. Just a reminder not to fear something that could actually wind up more beautiful than you could have imagined. ❤️
#transitionfrom1to2 #secondtimemom #secondpregnancy #2under3 #toddlerandbaby #motherhood #relatablemom