Here is a deeper dive into my Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) medical procedure at the amazing @neurovedahealth clinic! TPE is a procedure where blood is passed through an apheresis machine and separates the liquid part of blood (plasma) from the blood cells (red cells, white cells, & platelets), then removes and discards the plasma (which contains harmful, pro-inflammatory components such as toxins, parasites, mold, Lyme and dirty cholesterol) and finally, clean blood cells are returned to the body along with a protein called Albumin (which helps the body produce new, fresh plasma and simultaneously replenishes electrolytes that have been removed during this process). I will be sharing a lot more with you about my experience with TPE and how it impacts my overall health and life! Keep following along for my continued journey with this regenerative medicine! Special thank you to @gillianehrlich and @dr.giles for taking such good care of me! And to my best friend and Podcast Co-Host @lesambruno for sitting with me through it and helping me explain the TPE process in this beautiful video. I’m so grateful for the support in my life! There is a Medical Awakening happening and it is a very empowering time to be alive!
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