We think it’s a great idea to travel with a caravan or at least 2 campers when traveling to Alaska. You never know when there might be an emergency or you have a breakdown and there’s no service. Or you might take the wrong turn following your GPS that took us down an ATV trail. The GPS told us to go straight instead of turn. Well little did we know it was an ATV trail. It was very rocky and bumpy and narrow. When we finally realized it was too late. There was no where for all of us to turn around. We had to back the campers down for a long way until we saw a very small place to turn around. Shane and Greg were able to get all of us out of here. It wasn’t as bad for Shane and I, but they had a time trying to maneuver the trailers. Luckily we were not far from our location and some how got enough service to call the owner of where we were headed. She came and helped us get to where we needed to be. Turned out to be a beautiful stay after we all settled down. It was a stressful situation for sure. Although, you can definitely travel here by yourself. We don’t think you have to have a caravan. But, it sure was nice to have help in this situation. What would you have done in this situation?
#rvcaravan #rvfriends #rvlife #rvliving #rvalaska #truckcamperlife #alaska