How to fact check things you see on social media! Start by asking: What’s their expertise? Are they sharing peer-reviewed studies, citing credible sources, or leaning on anecdotal stories? Check for credentials—an MD, PhD, or relevant certifications in the field they’re talking about. If they’re throwing around science-y buzzwords, Google them to see if they’re actually rooted in research or just fluff. Watch for red flags like blanket claims (“This works for everyone!”) or fear-mongering (“Do this or you’re doomed!”). Real experts often discuss nuances, risks, and alternatives—they don’t OVERsimplify complex topics. Finally, cross-check their advice with trusted health organizations like the CDC, WHO, or PubMed articles. Remember: being charismatic doesn’t equal being credible, and your health is too important to take shortcuts on truth.
#HealthMythsDebunked #FactCheckYourFeed #ScienceOverHype #TrustButVerify #WellnessTruths