This is one of my favorite tools that I love to use in my practice. This is the Biofield Tuning Sonic Slider tuning fork, made at the frequency of 93.96 hertz, and is made to be used directly on the face and body. I very specifically use this tuning fork over the vagus, trigeminal and facial nerve pathways to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system to help my clients regulate their nervous system and transition from a fight or flight, pro inflammatory state into a rest and digest, anti-inflammatory state. This frequency is also amazing for stimulating fluid dynamics, so I get dual benefit when using this to help drain the head and neck and body lymphatic system. The best part? This is super easy to use, has immediate results and is cost effective, so it's a great tool for my clients to use at home, as well. ****************** Ready to break the cycle and start healing? We offer in-person and virtual one on one consultations and sessions! Contact us today to get scheduled. ******************
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