Scratching isn’t important if you want to be a club DJ. I get a message like that EVERY time I post a video like this and to be honest… You’re right. There are plenty of amazing DJs who never scratch BUT you’re looking at it the wrong way. Club DJs should treat scratching and turntablism like going to the gym. There are tons of exercises you do in the gym that you’ll NEVER use in real life BUT… they make you stronger, faster, and more in control of your body. That’s exactly how you should look at turntablism. You may never scratch at a gig, but the harder your practice sessions are, the better your fundamentals become. • Your record control improves. • You think less about what your hands are doing. • You move with more confidence. As a result… you’ll be calmer in the booth, your mixes will be tighter, and your movements will look effortless. That’s why you should add turntablism to your practice sessions. 🚀
#DJ #serato #pioneerdj #tutorial #djtips #scratching #turntablism #learntoscratch #chirpscratch #orbitalscratch #practice #practicemakesprogress