#TuesdayThoughts GG Family! We often speak of love being universal, but what exactly does this mean? 🤔❤️ Universal love is something our majestic giants exude perfectly & teach us everyday; like our beautiful herd at Elephant Highlands❤🐘💚🐘 It's something the world is in desperate need of & there is no better time, for each of us to do our part, then during the
#HolidaySeason . Many of you may have heard the saying that “When a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world, it can cause a hurricane in another part of the world.” Universal Love is similar to that kind of connectedness. It is a boundless & gentle form of love, a feeling that is experienced in the presence of pure generosity & irrevocable sweetness. The idea that love is universal means that love is a feeling that connects all people & things and that we are all part of a greater whole. It means that love is a force that is powerful & can't be explained by science.
#UniversalLove is love emitted in every direction, cultivated for everyone & everything, everywhere. It is love for others without sacrificing love for the self; it is caring unconditionally but maintaining healthy boundaries. We all need to love universally more, not just family or friends, but all that is, all that has been, and all that will be. Love yourself first. Understand yourself & the things you do and love it all. Love can not be given, felt, or shared unless there is compassion & unconditional acceptance of love for yourself. Accept all the love that others give, but do not expect it. Give love freely to everyone around you, the animals, plants, & the Earth itself. Strive to interpret the many differences of people from a perspective of love. From a place of love, you will gain understanding, kindness, respect, happiness, & an overall sense of gratitude & generosity. We are truly all connected in this circle of life & what you give, most certainly does return. The more we give, the more we get in return 💞
#lovewins 🎁🐘 If you wish to spread some love, please consider giving a gift of love & life to our beautiful gentle ones. Link is in our bio.
#GGFamily #gentlegiants #elephants #animals #universallove #lovematters #selflove #loveunconditionally #TuesdayThoughts #Alllivesmatter #nonprofit #holiday