A handful of times over the past 3 years, Beau’s right leg has quit working with very obvious signs of pain for him. He’s unable to put weight on that leg. It has always occurred when he was on the ground playing. He will suddenly cry out and then he’s unable to get up or put any weight on his leg. One of the times it happened 3 years ago, they did an inpatient EEG thinking that maybe his epilepsy and abnormal brain activity caused it, but nothing different showed up on his EEG. He is intellectually a toddler and doesn’t know how to explain it to us. I’ve torn my meniscus before and the way he is moving his knee and leg is very similar to the way mine acted. I hate to even think of surgery on this kid. But, we will cross one icy bridge at a time and not worry about the next one until we reach it.
#specialneedsson #raregenetics #zbtb18 #epilepsy #nonverbal #iowa #joy #intellectuallydisabled #wheelchair #drivewheelchair #kneeinjury #universityofiowa #belikebeau