Is winter dormancy for the VFT necessary? Yes if you want it to live its best life for long term! Venus fly traps must go through dormancy to survive and thrive long term. They need 3-4 months of colder temps and reduce waterings to go dormant and “rest”. Now that we’re going into spring, the Venus fly trap will live its best life growing new traps. Venus fly traps want very bright light! The brightest window or very close to a grow light. They do best outdoors but I choose to keep mine inside and hand feed them live bugs or they’ll catch flies on their own. Watering: no tap water for these babies! Only distilled, rain, or reverse osmosis water for these. The salts in tap water can kill it. Keep a tray filled with that water at all time underneath it. And if you want a carnivorous plant but don’t want to deal with dormancy, a pinguicula or a drosera are GREAT beginner carnivorous plants! If you found this helpful, consider following along for more planty tips and leave any questions down below!
#venusflytrap #carnivorousplants #venusflytraps