I think we often get caught up in “not doing it right” (whatever that is). I just want to encourage you that with some things, it doesn’t have to be “right”, it just has to be done. I mean, if you’re going to conjure a demon, you’ll want to make sure you’re doing it “right”, but in the case of cleansing your home.. just do it and don’t overthink it. I don’t actually know if it’s right or wrong, but I took my inscense burner and lit a charcoal disc and placed frankincense and my own incense that I made on top. I carried the incense burner around the house (with tongs because it gets very very hot), and as I circled the smoke counter clockwise, I said “I remove all negative energy in this space”. I then made a clockwise motion and said, “I replace any negative energy with positivity, love, protection, and abundance”. I did this throughout the house and incidentally, when I was in a room, I only did the space that I was standing in, and then moved to another space and stood in that space and so on. So for example, in my bedroom, because it’s rather large, I had about six different spaces that I did this in to make sure it covered the entire room. And that was it! Quick and easy cleansing. And yes, you can use any kind of incense you want. Just remember that it’s widely accepted that sage will remove negative energy but it doesn’t replace it with anything, while palo santo and frankincense will replace negative energy with positive energy. I use frankincense because I believe it is most connected to the divine (because, as we know the Magi brought Jesus frankincense) and I also believe it is connected to one of my past lives. You, however, can use whatever you want. If you can’t use smoke, there’s are other ways to cleanse. A spray of water and Rosemary sprigs is great. A spray of Holy Water is great. Be creative! www.thewickedwickcompany.com #