#haccaluhundeessaa #♥️💚♥️💪💪💪💪👌 #ፍትህ
#selala #WBO During the Earthquake በመሬት መንቀጥቀጥ ግዜ ልናደርጋቸው የሚገቡ ነገሮች :: If You Are Indoors: 1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On: • Drop to your hands and knees to prevent falling. • Take cover under sturdy furniture, such as a table or desk. If none is available, cover your head and neck with your arms and crouch near an interior wall away from windows. • Hold on to the furniture until the shaking stops. 2. Stay Away From Windows, Doors, and Walls: • Avoid glass, heavy furniture, or anything that could fall (e.g., bookshelves, mirrors, ceiling fans). 3. Do Not Run Outside: • The exterior of buildings can be hazardous due to falling debris. 4. If You’re in Bed: • Stay in bed and protect your head and neck with a pillow unless there is a danger of falling objects. If You Are Outdoors: 1. Stay in an Open Area: • Move away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and power lines. • Drop to the ground and protect your head and neck. 2. Avoid Overpasses and Bridges: • These structures can collapse during strong shaking. If You Are in a Vehicle: 1. Stop Safely: • Pull over to the side of the road and stop in an open area, away from buildings, trees, bridges, or power lines. • Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking stops. After the Earthquake 1. Check for Injuries: • Administer first aid if necessary. Call for medical help if anyone is seriously injured. 2. Inspect Your Surroundings: • Check for gas leaks, broken water pipes, and electrical damage. If you smell gas, turn off the gas supply and evacuate the building. • Be cautious of aftershocks. 3. Evacuate if Necessary: • If your building is unsafe, move to an open area or emergency shelter. 4. Listen to Authorities: • Follow updates and instructions from emergency services via radio, TV, or your phone. Prepare in Advance for Earthquakes: • Create an Emergency Kit: Include water, food, flashlights, batteries, first aid, medications, and important documents. • Secure Your Home: Anchor heavy furniture and appliances. • Plan an Evacuation Route: Know the safest exits and meeting points for your family.