Before you start a certain “diet” ask yourself… “Is this something I can continue doing for the long term?” “Is this sustainable for me?” If not, it’s most likely not the best fit and I can almost guarantee when you stop said diet you will gain ALL the weight back you lost. You have no plan for when you stop and you don’t know what the fuck to do, so you start eating like you were before. Most likely binging because you gave up all your favorite foods and now you can’t get enough of them!! If these “diets” work for you FANFUCKINGTASTIC!!! Seriously that’s amazing! If you can’t imagine giving up bread, sugar, breakfast or any food group for that matter.. THEN DON’T! There is NO reason to Focus on building a lifestyle YOU can stick to Get into a slight calorie deficit, get adequate protein, walk, strength train, sleep, hydrate, build healthy habits, eat more fruits and veggies, alleviate some stress and be consistent and fucking patient Hope this helps! WE CAN DO HARD THINGS! Love, Coach Beth
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