Hola hola! As we wrap up 2024, I am going to do something I hardly do. I wanted to share my before and after ( so far considering I am not done yet, I still have a lot to go). You have either enjoyed my morning videos and joined me in the whhhhyyyy nooot? Or have been annoyed by it, but this is also a way to keep me accountable. I am sharing a few pictures of each month this year to recap my journey in 2024. I am excited to keep going because I know that we are doing great things in 2025. I have learned what works and what doesn’t. I have made mistakes and have setbacks, but I am not giving up. The last part of the year I gained some weight and had to learn how to cope with stress and life changes that I was not ready for. However, the last 2 months or so I have been able to keep up with a new routine with different workouts and trying it seems to be working for me. The moral of the story is, when something doesn’t work, find another way, keep trying, do what you need to do, but don’t give up. That is not only for Weightloss, but for life in general. There is no secret. I am doing it the slow and steady way. Calorie deficit and movement/ exercise. I do not believe in diets, I do not say no to food I love. I do however minimize my portions and decide if it is worth it. Sometimes I rather eat more chicken than a cookie. Sometimes I realize how much time I need to spend on the treadmill to burn the extra cookie and I’ll pass. Other times, I’ll drive up to Sonic and I will ask for a Strawberry shake and will go to the park and watch the ducks to relax. Those are choices that we all make. But whatever I choose, I do track them. I am ready for the rest of this journey and what is to come. Hola hola 2025! Bring it on! All I have to say to 2024 is thank you for all the great memories, the many lessons, friendships made. 2024…. Byyyyeeeee!
#2024recap #weightloss #weightlosstransformationinprogress #weightlossprogress #workout #GymTok #gymmotivation #GymLife #gymmom #caloriesincaloriesout #caloriedeficit #caloriecounting #yearend #motivation #positivity #yougotthis #wegotthis #bye2024 #beforeandafter #beforeafter #yearreflection