Strega del Sesso Spell Box- Sexual Empowerment, Attraction, Sex Magick, Sex Spell, Sex Witch, Sex Witchcraft Strega del Sesso is Italian for "Sex Witch"! Embracing sexualities and expression has becomes an important part of finding our power within your paths as witches and pagans. Use this spell box to conjure a lover, embody your true sexuality, evoke sexy energy, express a new sexual side, tap into or heal your root chakra, or tap into your inner divine Queen Goddess energy! Perfect for embracing a new facet of yourself, creating transformation, a new journey or a new experience! Find your power! Each box comes with one, exclusive dressed and blessed Novena candle. 1 ounce of my Strega del Sesso Oil-created with watermelon, vanilla, garnets and herbs. 20 incense cones. 1 Strega del Sesso Mojo bag to place beneath your mattress to attract attention, glamour, sexual energy and fun! 2 ounces of sensual massage or body oil-created with vanilla and melon
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