Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money ~Cree Prophecy 🌿 The only place I feel at home is in my woods. We must remember that our souls need to recalibrate and reconnect to our true nature. To our Great Mother. Please take yourself out of the everyday whenever you are able. It’s absolutely vital to your health. Rest is resistance. We’ve made it to the halfway place betwixt the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. What a timeline our souls have picked to be alive here on this Earth Place. To bear witness to the painful uncovering and unraveling of broken paradigms. We are the light keepers. We are meant to feel, to see, to protect, to awaken. Imbolc Blessings to you my loves. May your paths be lined with love, healing, and grounded awareness during a time of great uncertainty. May you observe not absorb. May you find solace, strength, and sacredness in nature. Your true and genuine space 🤍
#imbolcblessings #imbolc #brigid #goddessbrigid #saintbrigid #witchofthewoods #wolf #natureathome #youarenotalone #youarenature #youaresacred #earthissacred #youarelight #aurora #youcannoteatmoney