Yaroa de Platano 🇩🇴 Recipe ⬇️ esta es con pollo que pique despues de herbir. Mañana hacemos la de yuca con carne molida. Cual es tu yaroa favorita? Vamos a inventar!
#cookingwitd #thedominicanway . . To make this yaroa I boiled 3 ripe platanos and I smashed them. I also boiled a whole chicken breast with some seasonings and finely chopped it. Traditionally you see this with French fries and ground meat and always lots of mayo ketchup. You can also make this with any meats you want or even mix different meats together like I saw in DR 🇩🇴. You can also make these with yuca I’m thinking even tostones 👀 pero enjoyyy! . . . [how to make yaroa, como hacer yaroa dominicana, yaroa de platano maduro, yaroa de pollo, dominican street food recipes, dominican food ideas] . .
#yaroa #yaroadominicana #platanomaduro #sweetplantains #shreddedchicken #dominicanfood