Pain is rarely solely just an inflammatory issue. Inflammation is essential to healing - it’s the first stage. The problem is all of the things you were told to do… like: icing an injury, taking NSAIDs (Advil, Aleve, etc) all blunt the body’s natural healing process and the first stage of healing. When you stop the first stage of healing from being able to finish you can’t move on to stage 2. So your tissues never completely heal and now you’re left chronically the same problem over and over again. Instead of getting in the way of our body’s natural healing process we have to support it. When we’ve had a chronic pain problem we have to take a systems based approach to support the healing process. That can look like: Movement, nutritional support, acupuncture/dry needling/prolotherapy. By taking a systems approach and supporting the body, you can get out of most chronic pain and back to living your life.
#chronicpain #inflammation #functionalmedicine #integrativemedicine #tcm #acupuncture #dryneedling #tampa #chronicpainwarrior