Do you experience neck pain that persists on one or both sides with or without arm symptoms? These symptoms may include pain, aching, numbness, coldness, tingling, or even weakness. Well this may all be due to the Scalene muscles… you see they attach from the side of the neck to the first rib, and the blood vessels and nerves that control the arm pass through these scalene muscles. If they are in spasm, not only do they tug on the neck, but they can press on those nerves and blood vessels going down the arm… causing all those symptoms! In this video, I show a stretch for 2 of the 3 scalenes, the anterior and middle which can cause all this. Give it a try and if you get relief, we know these muscles were playing a role. If it does not work, then we must look at other structures along the chain that may cause these symptoms!
#scalene #neckpain #neckpainrelief #neckpaintreatment #pinchednerve #thoracicoutletsyndrome #tos