The last few years I have been in a power struggle and in a lot of resentment around creating content. Honestly, i’ve avoided tik tok because i saw how mean people were to others and i got scared. I’ve taken criticism from others. Critique from others. Been told I need to be more this. I need to be less that. In full transparency I have completely lost myself over the years. I’ve wanted to burn my social media down. I’ve wanted to quit more times than I count. I’ve compared and competed. Been inspired. Been turned off entirely. When I really sat with myself and asked why I felt so awful with social. .. I realized I have been driven further and further away from just being me. I’ve told myself I have to be perfect but The only way we grow is through imperfect action. I’ve felt paralyzed. A huge part of who I am is having depthful conversations. Sharing my own vulnerability. Topics of substance. This kind of content isn’t going to be for everyone. But for the right people it is. I hope with time, this tribe grows and we can continue to make a real impact on helping others reform their mindsets, health, and lifestyles in a positive and supportive way. That allows us all to be nothing other than ourselves. Come as you are and let’s grow together from here. Here’s to new beginnings. New content. A new perspective. A lot of imperfect action. Love you so big. xx What do you guys think are you here for it?