And if you love going to the gym and the community you build there and how it makes your body feel, THAT’S GREAT! I love that for you. I hope everyone finds a way to move that brings them as much joy as the gym brings you. And, that acknowledged, it is never okay to tell people they are going to die or god forbid SHOULD die because they don’t look like you and do the things you do!!!!! Leave other people alone!!!! If you’re a “gym bro” and you feel like this is about you, wear the shoe if it fits! But this isn’t about all people who go to the gym or even about all people who would self-identify as “gym bros.” BUT (!!!!!) if you’re the kind of gym bro who is always fighting about people’s bodies and how they eat in comment sections, yes, this IS about you, and to you I say, “cope harder” (and “stop bullying people,” and, probably, “get help!”)