I have been completely transformed! Welcome to DAY 45 of WELLNESS UNLOCKED! I promise you, if you’re thinking about going no sugar, the day you decide to take the leap of faith, your entire life will transform and it will happen fast! I love it here! Anytime you think of eating something that you know is bad for you, I want you to Imagine you had a plant 🌱 you need to water it right? So it could grow and be beautiful. Would you ever feed it juice, cake, or remove it from the sun? Think of yourself as a plant: go out in the sun, take walks, and give your body what it needs to grow and glow. Things I Learned Since I Decided to Go No Sugar 1. I never needed the sugar to be happy—it wasn’t a treat; it was doing me a disservice. 2. Fruit is sweet. The sweets God gave us are the real treat. 3. Processed foods, sugars, and sweets are an addiction. 4. Eating whole is a gift. 5. Your body is a temple—make sure you treat it as such. 6. Day one or ONE DAY! 7. Purple cabbage salad is FYE. 8. Everything you’re looking for is in the gym. 9. Smoothies are joy! Fruit smoothies are the real treat. 10. I never needed the bad eats—I just didn’t know how to turn the bad eats good. 11. EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS IN THE GYM. 12. EVERYTHING YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS IN THE GYM. 13. Strawberries are actually so good. Sugar ruined my taste buds, but I got them back. 14. Tea is peace. 15. Everything “healthy” isn’t necessarily tasty LOL.