Sometimes a patient comes in and it is unclear, and other times it is pretty dang obvious. 🤰🏼Did you know Calm Labor Confident Birth Class and The VBAC Lab Birth Class are open for students, and you can Save $100? Shoot me a DM for info ⭐️⭐️ ⚡️ What happens when it breaks? For many women, their water will not break until later in active labor. However, some of you may experience your water breaking at home or somewhere else less convenient!) Sometimes, it is a slow trickle, sometimes a tiny gush every time you contract or move. But it might just EXPLODE for some of the lucky mamas out there. This happened to me with Gavin. Luckily I was in the hospital. I was sitting in a chair, and afterward, the chair looked like it was sitting in a pond. ⚡️ How do you know for sure it broke (and it’s not pee)? This isn’t always easy. I tell my students and patients (who call in) to do a heavy cough. For many, this will cause the fluid to come out. (Make sure you have on a pad!) If you are not sure, call your provider. We can do some tests to determine. ⚡️ Does this mean labor is starting? Technically (unless you are preterm), this means the baby will be coming. However, sometimes it can be HOURS before your labor contractions start. If you have no high-risk diagnoses, are GBS neg, (GBS pos can wait some unless you are opting out of treatment then that’s diff) and are healthy, you can wait at home for labor to start (up to 6-8 hours, you may need help after that). ⚡️ Does it always break on its own? Technically, it can and will before the baby comes out, or the baby can come out in it. But....not many providers wait. They like to break your water early in labor (Not a fan 🛑). This is called AROM (artificial rupture of membranes) Thank you for attending my Ted talk about your water. . . . .
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