Lookie-here! I post this every year, BUT…. Today is the first day of Black History Month! While I love that we have various months, days, and holidays that help remind us to stay educated, and informed, we should all be doing this daily, year round. Reminding ourselves and parenting our little ones to LOVE ALL! No matter race, gender, physical or mental abilities, ethnic background, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, or class. We should be working harder as adults to be examples of acceptance and inclusion OF ALL HUMANS to our younger generations. To love one another! Be kind to one another! Have compassion for one another!!!! If this doesn’t directly affect you, then be that hand to hold and solid support for the friends and family around you that it does. Be the light to the ones that get the ugly, cruel, dark side of this world for reasons out of their control. We should all be working on being better and doing better! So that we can ALL live without fear of walking out of the door as who we are!!! And to be totally transparent and honest….I’m sick of crying, stressing and praying for a better world for my babies and all people being affected by the bullshit that is discrimination and hate! Love is free! Spread it everywhere!
#BeALight #lovemore #bebetter #dobetter #blackhistorymonth