Strugling with dishonesty, gaslighting or growing apart? Go to my bio and watch my free training. I have a workshop coming up that I explain in this training. This 2 day live event has proven to be the most successful training I have held. I put it together after 40 years of working with couples helping them overcome infidelity. Cheating does not have to be a physical affair. Your partner secretly watching p@rn, chatting with instagram scammer babes or getting emotionally involved with their co-worker friend. Well, this workshop is a must if you want to survive any of that going on as a couple. There will be tears, there will be deep conversations and you will see couples and individuals turning around right in front of your eyes. I truly look forward to this weekend. Next date coming up is Feb 8-9. But if you see this after the date has passed, the new dates will be posted on the website you can reach in my free training covering the ‘3 Biggest Lies That Will Stop You from True Healing After Broken Trust.’
#brokentrust #infidelitycoach #marriageadvice #couplesgoals