Stop trying to come with new content and start repurposing! Because I don’t know about you but I don’t have time to come up with new content ideas every week, but I do want to keep it fresh. And that’s why repurposing is a life saver for me 🛟 Not to mention, repetition is a GOOD thing in marketing…so trust me, even if it’s only been a month since you posted it…your people need to hear it again. Which is why when I have a carousel that does well, I turn it into a Reel 🎥 And if a Reel pops off, I’ll flip it into a caption or an email 📧 And guess what else…if a piece of content I thought would do well doesn’t, I’ll still repurpose it and then BOOM…it goes off. Sometimes a few tweaks is all it takes! Repurposing Instagram content can help you maximize your efforts, reach new people, and extend the life of your content. So be sure to save this, share with a friend, and work smarter…not harder 🫶
#socialmediamarketing #contentcreation #contentcreationtips #contentmarketingtips