For the high achieving women who’ve created conventional career success, but have a DEEP YEARNING for something different… You’ve got an entrepreneurial spirit. You’re PASSIONATE, SKILLED, and INTERESTED in what sometimes seem completely disparate subjects. You CRAVE to be creatively challenged, but you feel insecure about not being “creative OR expert enough,” so you’ve chosen to stay in an uninspiring + unfulfilling career that pays well. You dream of HAVING ENERGY + CLARITY to breathe life into your many ideas, enjoy the present moment, collaborate with others, make money doing what you love, and FEEL good doing it. Hi, I’m Kristyn. I’m the stereotypical eldest daughter, (recovering) high achiever, corporate dropout who spent the first ten years of my career trying to identify ONE thing that checked the box for ALL of my interests. …I quickly learned there would never be “one thing.” I was deathly afraid to leave financial security & status to pursue my dream, until a panic attack from my stressful leadership position finally pushed me over the edge. I left that job four years ago to pursue ALL the interests and now I’m a successful, profoundly fulfilled multi-faceted careerist. I wanna help you design your entrepreneurial ecosystem and multi-faceted career 🧡 If you have the slightest inkling that you wanna work for yourself, design a portfolio career, or just do life and work DIFFERENTLY, I. Am. Your. Girl. You are probably feeling the intuitive nudge…your nervous system is just STUCK in survival, just like mine was. Together, we cultivate safety and expansion SO THAT you don’t make a rash decision. We design a fluid strategy, working in tandem with your female cycle. We reword years of narratives that no longer serve you. We do it all, joyfully aligned 🫶🏻 Schedule a call in bye-o. Five spots left!
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