Mamas, ever wondered why breastmilk is called liquid gold? Let’s break down the magic inside this incredible elixir!👇🏼 💧 What’s inside breastmilk? It’s a living substance filled with over 200 components, including antibodies, hormones, growth factors, enzymes, and stem cells—all tailored specifically for your baby’s needs! It always CHANGES with your baby overtime. 🩹 Healing properties? Breastmilk isn’t just for feeding! It has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can soothe rashes, heal scrapes, and even clear up baby acne. 👶 Why is it so good for baby? Breastmilk is perfectly designed to support your baby’s immune system, brain development, and gut health. Plus, it adapts to your baby’s needs—producing extra antibodies when they’re sick! 🏆 Why “liquid gold”? Every drop is precious. The rich, yellowish colostrum you produce in the early days is packed with nutrients and immune-boosting properties that give your baby the best start in life. 🌟 Breastmilk is a true miracle of motherhood—supporting, nourishing, and protecting your baby in ways science is still uncovering. Tag a mama-to-be or breastfeeding warrior who needs to hear this! 💛 • •
#liquidgold #breastmilk #doulasupport #postpartum