⚠️Mommas💯Tag your partner in this video!! 👐🏼Comfort measures to take the edge off of labor!! Always ask before touching because there are
#laboring moms who prefer not to be touched. 👐🏼Hands and knees is a super effective laboring position to help keep your body upright working through each contractions with these simple comfort measures. 👐🏼Your body will work hard through the
#birthing process. Having partner support is vital!! It took the two of you to create this
#baby, it will take the two of you to have this baby!! 👐🏼Partners when your arms get tired from hours upon hours of squeezing, pressing and jiggling…tag your
#birthdoula in help you!! 👐🏼If you feel like you need professional help…HIRE A DOULA!! Birth doulas are trained in the birthing process and have laboring techniques to provide comfort measures. A
#doula is a great asset to your
#birth team!! Learn more skills to work together as a team on your herring game day👉🏼trainforbirth.com
#fyp #partnersupport #birthpartner #birthsupport #fathersatbirth #partnersatbirth