Easy: that I get to change my hair color, length, and texture whenever I want to. Blue? Done. Curly? Done. Straight? Done. Blonde? You got it. Braids? Okay! Green and purple with a hint of pink? Fun! There aren’t any real rules when it comes to changing your hair. You just operate within the comfort of your zone…whatever that looks like. I’m mid-install right now. Had to take a small break to pick up kids from school. Only about 12 more to go! I’ll share soon. Every time I try something new, I literally say to myself “this is looking ridiculous.” Something happens toward the end, though. It’s like magic. All of a sudden, it comes together. I’m going for volume this time…so I am using three lengths. It’s been a challenge because my natural hair is so long. I am using a blanket stitch braid. Very different for me. I’m pretty uncomfortable with it…but it is getting better. I’ll share soon. Tell me your wildest hair story. Did you shave it all off? Did you bleach it so bad that it all burnt up and broke off? I don’t have anything too adventurous in my hair history…except that I had a real dreadlock in my hair as a young girl. I guess you could say that I didn’t brush it very well and it matted up at the nape of my neck. Ooops. 🤣 I was just ahead of my time, I suppose. Xoxo, Keri
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