I miss everything about you.it sucks we can’t watch eachother grow anymore and to think you didn’t get to live your life to the fullest breaks me n The thought of you being gone doesn’t feel real. Where’d you go. I really miss you come back please. You were always there for me no matter what or where you were. I really miss FaceTiming you to talk about the most random $hi or even when the calls where silent. I wish i got to tell you everything i wanted to and how grateful i am for you when you were here And I know wishing you’d come back isn’t gonna change anything but I wish it could I really do I keep rereading our messages hoping for a new one I still listen for your Snapchat notification thats different from everyone else’s and I’ve been restoring our streaks everyday and I constantly replay our Live Photos cause when I do it feels like nothing went wrong and we’re on FaceTime all over again.I wish you were never on the road that night. I really miss you bro Long live Luis Daniel Pacheco 💔 I hope the person that did this to you never gets to see the light of day again. #