Replying to @Anna. Malfoy people are literally overcomsumed with meat so im not disagreeing and also… as light beings as spirit walking flesh.. i get that concept of …. Not eating at all 😂🫠 but rule 1 of earth you will consume .. something to survive… im also not saying we won’t or can’t evolve out of this (idk what that looks like but im not saying it’s not possible) but this is me and my experience with meat .. i recorded this so long ago and was scared to post but i did just consume some and honestly i feel stronger 😅😅… trust and believe if I could be another way i would be.. but all i can do is honor the way I am. And we need to be having more conversations around food with out shaming eachother but rather understanding where we are all at and how to create peace with that in a world full of different kinds of a mammalian species called humans 💗-
#meat #eatingmeat #o #positive #bloodtype also science to me is not a credible or reliable source because of the nature of the source of their funding we needs some underground scientist because when you look into science you have to also look into the medical industry they go hand in hand and if you can’t see that well. Non non 🤗🤗🤌🏻👏🏻 carry on.