I had two amazing conversations with clients recently: Client 1 shared how they feel better and more energized throughout the day when they eat carbs. Client 2 told me their workouts feel better and stronger, and their lifts have improved—all thanks to increasing their carb intake. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my clients embrace the fuel their bodies need to feel energized and perform their best! Carbs = Energy Carbs aren’t the enemy. They’re your body’s preferred energy source, especially for intense workouts. They fuel your body to feel and perform at its best! Bread, rice, potatoes, fruit, etc... they help you thrive. Carbs might be the missing piece in your fitness goal! Coach Deb -
#carbsarenttheenemy #fuelyourbodywell #nutritionfitness #eatforperformance #foodisfuelforthebody #healthandfitnessgoals #foodtip #foodadvice #eatyourcarbs