If you are a marketer, your life just got a second wind. Opportunities to watch trends reset and scatter like this come once in a lifetime. For now we observe and see where everyone lands, but its important to be in these spaces when they do. I was inspired and empowered to see so many familiar faces I forgot to follow before we lost connection this morning on all of the other platforms. We are still here, and we need to be everywhere until we figure it all out. Don't drop the ball on your communities. Keep them strong, and keep them engaged. For now, you can follow me here on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, BlueSky, and any one I can physically handle during my work week 😅
#fearlessfuture #fastforward #GoldRush2025 #FurnitureNerd #NVIDIA #SuperComputer #CommunityWealth #ActivistsActivate See you there!