Today we moved KitKat, to the coop. This isn’t a choice I wanted to make, i would rather not have any foxes in that area, since it doesn’t have access to a play yard, but I think it’s for the best interest of them all. Since KitKat is people friendly though, I will able to easily give him play yard time still, by carrying him over. I will be monitoring his play yard time, for now. The new play yard being built in January, will not have any shared walls, so he will not be able to fence fight with the other foxes, and can enjoy his time there without being babysat. KitKat is not a “bad” fox, and we don’t blame him at all. KitKat just does not like other foxes. He was about 4 years old when we took him in, and was a spoiled beloved pet who was not raised around other foxes. All he wanted to do, was constantly start fights with others and instigate fights through the fence when he was playing in the yard. I think ultimately he will be happier too. But he will adjust. He may even be able to go on leash walks, I’ll have to try it and see how he likes it. We love this spoiled rotten boy.
#clevyrkitkat is sponsored by Nanette B.
#clevyrfoxes #marblefox #fox #foxes 🔆 Clevyr Creatures is a 501(c)(3) non-profit domestic fox sanctuary. All donations are tax deductible. EIN 99-0469439 🔅Ways to donate: 🔅 Sponsor a Fox: GiveButter: 🔅Venmo: @ClevyrCreaturesFoxSanctuary 🔅PayPal: @Clevyr 🔅Cashapp: $ClevyrCreatures 🔅Mailed donations: Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary 429318 state highway 3 Unit 97 Rattan Oklahoma 74562 🔆 We are completely dependent on the public for donations to do what we do here! If you cannot donate, please interact! Leave comments, like, and share our posts!