Eat a heaping spoonful every day and your belly, slowly, day-by-day will begin to deflate and flatten. After two weeks of getting back in the rhythm of taking this probiotic, I have less bloat, I’m able to digest food better and overall feel lighter. I tell anyone who will listen, including all the mom’s at last weekend’s playdate, to make this fermented probiotic recipe from Dr. Villoldo’s book Grow A New Body. It helps with candida overgrowth, bloat, IBS, and tastes delicious! My whole family and I take this every morning on an empty stomach. I’ve been making this recipe for years, so if you’ve been an OG member in this community you’ve seen me talk about it. Lmk down below if you’ve made it, what you think of the taste, etc! Would love to hear your thoughts! RECIPE: Ingredients - 1 Large bag of frozen berries - 1/2 c. Water - 3-4 S. Boulardii capsules Directions: - Add frozen berries and water to a large pot and bring to a boil - Boil for 5 mins and then bring to a simmer/low for 30min - Turn off the heat and let cool to room temperature - Transfer berry mixture to a clean, glass bowl - Open up the S. Boulardii capsules and sprinkle over berries - Mix to integrate the probiotic into the berry mixture - Cover and place in the oven (DO NOT TURN THE OVEN ON) - Turn on the oven light and let ferment for 48 - 72hrs - Remove after fermentation process and store in glass jars in the refridgerator Enjoy a large spoonful on an empty stomach every morning!
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