🧕🏼WHAT WAS I MADE FOR?🧕🏼 My faith tells me, I was made to speak the truth, fight for justice, spread kindness, and deliver glad tidings to those who walk in the good path. I feel best in my skin, in my fandoms, and in my hijab. My hijab, my state of being. Others may view my hijab differently but that’s their misfortune. My hijab is beautiful and liberating. It is where I find strength, comfort, inspiration, and belonging. It is who I am. And I am proud of it. Everyday is
#happyworldhijabday for me, because my hijab truly brings me joy and glory. It deserves to be seen. It deserves to be celebrated. Every. Single. Day.
#hijabstyle #styleandfashion #hijab #disneycreator #disneyland #disneyparks #tiktokcreator #apitok