The story of Job can be a tough one to read. He lost almost everything, except for his life 😭 … and still, he praised God 🙌 How??? 🤯 Because, He kept God in first place! Job knew that as long as He still had God, he had everything he needed. It is because of God alone that we have anything, and we can be grateful for the gifts He does give, but if our focus is on those instead of Him, then life will be out of balance ⚖️ When God is first, then even if (when) things turn upside down, your faith can remain constant because HE is constant! So whatever you’re facing today, keep holding onto Him 🤝🏼
#Job #KeepGodFirst #Gratitude #Balance #Praise #Faith #Hope #HoldOn #HoldOntoHope #KeepHoldingOn #WednesdayWisdom #Devotional #Devo #DevoWithDanny #DannyGokey