I knew I wasn't living in alignment with my true self & values, but I didn't know how to break out of the rut I was in. It wasn't until I committed to being intentional with how I was using my time each day that I started to see improvement and enjoy my life at home. If you’re a Homemaker or Mama feeling overwhelmed, here are 5 more simple ways to start living intentionally: 📱 Be intentional about your screen time. 🍴 Use a meal plan to stay prepared and reduce daily stress and decision fatigue. (My Seasonal Meal Planning guide makes it easy, simple, and fun!) 👗 Get dressed and freshen up every morning so you feel motivated and ready to enjoy the day. 🎯 Start your day with the end in mind. Think about how you want the day to go & work towards that vision. 🏡 Focus on the 4 Daily Basics: Food, Dishes, Laundry, and Tidying Up the House. ✨ Homemaking isn’t about perfection - it’s about intention. If you’re ready to live an intentional life and enjoy purpose-driven homemaking, join my email list for weekly homemaking tips! 💌
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