Happy Winter Solstice -Panquetzalitzli- Birth of the SUN ๐ค๐ช
#Aztec Christmas Navidad Azteca
#Quetlaxochiltl #raices #cultura Sacred Aztec Flower "Withering Flower" it is time to take back our native traditions as Mexicans why stop at Dia Muertos-Day of the dead and Quincenieras? We have a rich beautiful culture to embrace and preserve for our future generations. Although there was always pagan traditions around the world celebrating Winter Solstice , nothing comes close to what the Aztec celebrated when compared side by side to Christmas as it is created and celebrated today. The celebration is in honor of a Huitzilopochtli the Sun & Warrior spirit . There were many Native influences such as tree decorating , poinsettia flower /a.k.a. Quetlaxochiltl/Flor de NocheBuena , caroling, gifting, snow sled, sacred deer, creating treats paired with hot beverages, and of course, celebrating the birth of the SUN. Las Posadas at the root also make up part of this Aztec tradition. . Present day Christmas was not even started until the the 17th century 1600s years after colonizers arrived in America and settled. This version is a conglomeration of many European cultures from various different periods which had no true connection to each other. At a time Europeans themselves banned Christmas in Boston 1659-1681 fearing it was too pagan. Is Christmas originally Mexican Indigenous? Some of this Research is written by archeologist Curly Tlapoyala
#Prehispanic! Tradicion
#Prehispanico #aztecchristmas #navidadazteca #huitzilopochtli #fyp #christmas