GH Entity List Finder Guided Hacking Entity List Finder This tool is designed to help you find the entity list in various games, making it a valuable asset for game reverse engineers and hackers. It's a powerful tool that can be used to dissect and understand the underlying structure of a game's memory, and it's particularly useful when you're trying to understand how games manage their entities. 📷 What is an entity? In it's simplest terms, an entity is an object which is an instance of a class. An entity is typically an actor. An actor is something that interacts with other objects in the game. In terms of game hacking, an entity is typically referring to a player object. When you're playing online the objects which contain the information about yourself and the other players are referred to entities. These objects typically contain the player's location, angle, health information and more but not all variables are required to be in this class. Features Support for Multiple Games and Engines: This tool has been tested and confirmed to work on games like Assault Cube, Sauerbraten x64, CSGO, Black Mesa, DOOM 2016, and Bioshock Infinite. It supports a variety of game engines, including Source Engine, IdTech Engine, and Unreal Engine. Flexible Search Parameters: The tool allows you to adjust the "Max bytes between addresses" option, which lets you control the distance between each entity that you're trying to find. This flexibility allows you to fine-tune your search and get the most accurate results. Validation Feature: After the initial search, you can modify your settings and press the "Validate" button to filter out any bad results. This feature helps you narrow down your search and find the most likely entity list addresses. User-Friendly Interface: The tool comes with a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for you to input your parameters and view the results.
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