Why you get the period poops 💩 sorry guys haha
If you’re experiencing period poops, it’s a sign you have too many prostaglandins, which cause uterine muscle contraction (menstrual cramps), but prostaglandins can also affect your bowels.
Yes, period poops are common.
No, period poops aren’t normal. Too many prostaglandins cause loose stools and painful cramps.
Does this sound familiar:
🩸 hugging the heating pad
🩸 poping a lot of ibuprofen
🩸 doubled over in pain
Fun fact: prostaglandins are made from omega fatty acids, so when the main omega in your diet is omega 6, these guys are potent and worsen your pain and cramps.
🐣 Omega 6 is found in vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soybean), fast food, and commercially raised poultry.
Help your body by having more omega 3s instead by eating cold-water fish, chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, and oysters.
Other things to consider or add to your diet:
Magnesium⠀ Getting estrogen in check
Lowering inflammation
Supplements: B6 or Menstrual eaze
Is your period problematic for you?
DM me your period troubles, and let’s see how I can help!
Check out yesterday’s post on why you get constipated or have diarrhea before/during your period!
#periodhealth #periodproblems #periodpain #periods #irregularperiods #functionalhealing