Hit the ♥️ if you are in a health journey Follow me if you can relate to any of the following: I used to hate clothing shopping. I used to hate how I looked on the mirror. I used to hate how I looked on pictures (in fact, I hid of avoided them). I did not wear dresses or skirts. I had no energy. And felt achy and inflamed. What a difference from my life now! Yesterday I spent hours shopping with two personal stylists and personal shoppers from high end stores. Literally four hours. It was a BLAST! They put me in colors, outfits, and sizes I would have never tried before. And I literally loved it! I would have never done this before. And I certainly would have not loved it! 🛑3 things I stopped to get here: 1️⃣🗣️This one took the longest - negative self talk. Drop a one in the comments if this impacts you and I should go through some of the steps I did to stop this because it hurt my health journey to continue with the negative self talk. 2️⃣ Sugar and processed carbs. No more pasta, candy, cereal, or sugar. Instead I found hundreds of thousands of satisfying delicious recipes from steak with herb butter to alternatives to lasagna and yes - even tons of desserts. 💬COMMENT GROUP for access to thousands of my free recipes 3️⃣ I stopped snacking and over eating. Controlling my appetite was a game changer for me. Drop a🔥 emoji or the word FIRE and I will send you my hack for curbing appetite
#prettygirl #GlowUp #hypothyroid @bloomingdales @nordstrom
#transformation #keto #ketotransformations #ketosis #appetitecontrol #foodnoise #lowcarb #carnivore #healthy #sundayvibes @kop_mall
#ketotransformation #change #perimenopause #thisis47