How creative is this?? Video description: A young white woman in her power wheelchair, holding a wood burner kit on her lap with the camera zooming in and panning over the box. Captions say, “For my birthday, a few years ago, I got this wood-burning tool that I’ve wanted to try! I haven’t been to use it much because I struggled with holding the wood-burning tool. This month I decided to modify it!” Next: A middle-aged white man with black hair fiddles with a wood burner tool and some wire. Captions say:“This is my dad! He and my brother helped me brainstorm and engineer modifications!” Third: A paper with a sketch. Captions say,“This is a sketch of our first idea using PVC pipe.” Fourth: The young woman maneuvers a holder for the wood burner tool. Captions say,“This is what we had after putting it all together. A holder that could be lifted, and rolled, and be set down. It worked, but it wouldn’t allow me to have enough pressure. So, back to the drawing board we went!” Fifth: A bunch of supplies on the grey tray including the wood-burning kit, pieces of PVC pipe, pliers, a white box holding a round wrap of crafting wire, and a clear container of blue rubber bands. Captions say “These are our supplies!” Sixth: An upright frame of PVC pipe and the pliers sit on the tray. Captions say, “We ended up building a base out of PVC.” the scene changes to show the frame on the tray, and the wood-burner tool attached to the center of the base with PVC pipe with a rubber band and wire. Captions say: “We then attached the wood burner tool to a rubber band and wire and attached that to the PVC.” Seventh: A view from the back of a hand attempting to use the wood-burner tool attached to the PVC stand to burn a line on the drawing of a mushroom. Captions say: “This is me trying it out! As you’ll be able to see, I still struggle with it! I try it again in a second and it works a little better.” A frontwards view of a hand using the wood burner/PVC set up to burn the lines of a dragon wing. Captions say: While improvements and reworking can potentially be made, I also think that the more I get used to this tool the better I’ll be able to manage it.” Last: The PVC stand, stands over a coloring book scene of a fireplace, with the hand moving the rubberband now holding an orange gel crayon. Captions say: “While this is being used for my specific hobby, as shown, it can also be used for art tools, or maybe even stirring aids.” Captions say, “What can you think to use this tool for?”
#ATChamps24 #ATChampionDE #AssistiveTech #ATChampion #Fabrication #Modifications #Woodburning #Hobby #Disability #DisabilityAdvocate