You can improve almost EVERY MS-related mobility issue with this simple trick 👇 💥 Stretch one side and strengthen the other 💥 Seriously, that’s all there is to it!! Ok, ok... it's easy for me to say, as a physical therapist, but here's what you need to know: Stretching helps loosen tight muscles, while strengthening builds up the opposing muscles to support smoother, more stable movement 💪 Here are two examples: ✅ Drop Foot: The back of your lower leg is often tight + the front of your ankle is often weak, so... Stretch the back of your lower leg (your calves) and strengthen the front (your shins). This can make lifting your foot easier and help reduce scuffing or tripping. ✅ Hinged Walking: Walking hinged forward often means the front of your hips are tight + the back of your hips/legs are weak, so... Stretch the front of your hips (hip flexors) and strengthen the back of your hips (glutes, hamstrings, etc.) to walk without hinging forward. No matter which mobility issue you’re working on, the stretch and strengthen method can help you create the balance you need for better mobility! ✨ Just a few minutes a day can help you feel more steady, confident, and in control. Will you try this trick today? Let me know in the comments! ⬇️ P.S. If you're in The MSing Link & want me to help you figure out which muscles to stretch/strengthen, make sure to leave the question in our monthly Q&A check in form!
#drgretchen #multiplesclerosis #msawareness #mswarrior