Let the legal system handle it and do their job. Stop accusing people of stuff until there is solid proof. You can assume inside your head because if you’re wrong, then that falls back on you. I’m trying to get better about listening to my gut but with certain things I’m not going with that gut feeling especially publicly until I see legit proof even if I am right about certain things, maybe y’all should try that sometime. I’m definitely not believing receipts just thrown up on the app because that could be fake I’ve seen too many fake receipts on this app. I have also seen them only show one clip of something and then show another clip of a person saying something different. They change the whole context or narrative. They might even have a little bit of truth mixed with a whole bunch of lies. You name it I’ve seen it on that app and have experienced it personally. I’ve even seen them take older stuff that you want believed or thought but as you got older, you started changing the way you thought and believed before which I do believe is growth. I’ve seen so many of you that are going around bullying others but then you all go and do the exact same thing and you feel like you’re justified in it because of the way they act. Now with that being said we’re all human. So you know that might happen from time to time, but when it’s happen constantly. Then that just leaves me to believe you are also a bully. You claim you just are looking out for others but I just don’t believe that and your actions are the reason why I’ve seen a lot of you build your platforms off the back of other peoples names. Amy got caught up. The authorities will handle it all these little videos making fun of people is a little ridiculous and childish if you asked me. Even when AV went to jail, I might’ve laughed at a couple of post, but then I started feeling bad about that because I’ve been to jail unfortunately. Now she got what she deserved when she went to jail and if he asked me, she should’ve spent a little bit more time in there. However, making fun of somebody for being in that situation isn’t OK because they already feel like a clown in the moment some might not care it all depends on the person. However I’ve seen some of y’all do some vile,
#Vindictive, and weird stuff. Stop accusing people of stuff yes cause they happen to know somebody or be friends with them. I know I have personally been bamboozled by several people.. I’ve even had gut feelings and went against that. Is something you’re accusing someone or is true then eventually it will come out. Some of these videos I see are disgusting no matter no matter else has done. You are in control of how you conduct yourself. You’re not in control of how others conduct themselves. Yes I have made trolling videos for those who have told serious lies on me or who just run their mouth but you don’t see me doing all the thing I see you all do. I put facts, with a little bit of humor, with a little bit of sassiness and some sarcasm mixed all together. There’s only a couple of videos you will find of me giving them a dose of there own medicine. I didn’t say I was right right for it, but I have my reasoning for doing it and to me make I point. The difference between you all and I is that I can recognize when I need to do better and I try to. You are more than capable of doing that as well. Awareness and bullying are not the same. I don’t know. I just don’t find it funny at all especially when you’re possibly accusing someone that just keeps getting tied in with the wrong people. These things are true it will come out eventually, but y’all are just sitting here going after this person just because she happens to be connected to a person who was doing fraudulent activity and that’s not OK. Not everything is as it appears. If there is any truth to it, then that person would eventually get caught up to. #
#ophelia #
#mamatot #
#slotmachine #