I tried my hardest to remain positive during my pregnancy/delivery with Lucas. But the truth is, it was the most terrifying thing I’ve been through. Bleeding heavily for weeks, a hospital stay, extremely elevated blood pressure, knowing my placenta could have continued to detach at any moment and stop supplying him with life… then during his labor his heart rate was in the 200s and he was having extreme extreme decels. They told me I needed to get him out NOW or we were going back for an emergency c section. (I got him out in less than 10 minutes thank the LORD🙏🏻) hearing that little cry made EVERYTHING worth it. All my fears, all my pain, gone. He was worth it all. I am so thankful everything worked itself out and acknowledge how lucky we are, because in any given moment our outcome could have been completely different. 🙏🏻😭🤍🤍
#motherhood #decelsinlabor #rainbowbaby #placentalabruption #miraclebaby