BIG MAC POTATO SKINS 🍔🔥 Food >>> football 🤭 I’m just here for the snacks (but make them gluten-free, dairy-free and more wholesome). These Big Mac potato skins take the flavors from the classic burger but use grass-fed and grass-finished high-quality ground beef, a potato instead of a bun, lots of veggies and creamy burger sauce! They are INSANE 🤯 Ingredients 3 russet potatoes 1 lb ground beef avocado oil dash salt dash pepper 1 tsp garlic powder 1/2 sweet onion 1/2 tomato 1/4 cup pickles 1/2 cup lettuce 1/2 cup burger sauce Instructions Gather your ingredients and preheat the oven to 400°F. Pierce potatoes with a fork and place them on a baking sheet. Add oil, salt and pepper and bake for about 50 minutes. While potatoes are baking, cook ground beef seasoned with salt and pepper in an oiled pan over medium heat until lightly browned. Once potatoes are done and cooled, scoop out the insides. Add ground beef into the potatoes and cook for another 10 minutes. While stuffed potato is cooking, chop vegetables. Add onion, tomato, pickle, lettuce and burger sauce on top. Serve and enjoy!
#glutenfreeeats #glutenfreerecipe #footballfood #gamedayfood #bigmac #potatoskins